Gay Longworth

Gay Longworth

Literary Agent: Eugenie Furniss

Gay’s first novel Bimba (Pan) was published in 1998, since then she has gone on to write three more crime novels. Wicked Peace (Pan), Dead Alone (Harper Collins) and The Unquiet Dead (Harper Collins). She wrote contemporary fiction under the pseudonym Carrie Adams, The Godmother and The Stepmother (Headline/Hachette) which sold globally. As well as writing fiction, Gay has ghost written five memoirs and one of her own. When You Lose It (Welbeck/Hachette) was written alongside her daughter, Roxy, about her online abuse and subsequent breakdown. It is currently in development for TV. Gay is working on the TV adaptation of The Godmother.

(Photo Credit - Tim Hall)

Books by Gay Longworth